Peter Gould
Year of birth: 1951
Inducted in 2023
Origin: Halton Region
Nominated by: Murray Sherk and Albert Fledderus, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Specialty: Livestock - Dairy
Peter Gould made significant contributions to the dairy industry at both the provincial and national level and to supply management starting as a Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) economist in 1981 and retiring as general manager in 2017. He has been described as a catalyst, visionary, pioneer, trusted partner among stakeholders and courageous when challenging the status quo. The following are a few of his lasting legacies in the milk industry:
Multiple Component Pricing (MCP) was an industry goal since the 1960s, meaning that producers are paid for their production of butterfat, protein and lactose/minerals. It was under Peter’s leadership that Ontario became the first province, and one of the first internationally, to adopt MCP. It led the way to more innovation in breeding and nutrition practices, production technologies and management standards.
The implementation of a single quota system, going from quotas for fluid milk and industrial milk to a single all milk, equal quality quota, was Peter’s project to lead and Ontario was the first province to institute it.
In his role as Director of Regulatory Compliance, Peter led the modernization efforts to revise the standards and penalties for somatic cell count, bacteria, freezing point and inhibitors in bulk tank milk. He went on to oversee the evolution of standardized farm inspections and these resulted in Ontario being one of the top jurisdictions in the world for milk quality.
Another significant legacy is his leadership around trade issues and milk marketing policy. Peter worked to develop a National Ingredients Strategy to control the entry of ingredients from the U.S. such as sugar/butteroil for use in ice cream production. This would provide competitively priced Ontario ingredients and milk to Ontario processors. Ontario Class 6 was introduced in 2015-16 and Class 7 in 2016-17 resulting in a 30% increase in milk sales, more investment in modern processing facilities and ingredient facilities, and the construction of technologically modern dairy barns across Ontario.
Peter was instrumental in leveraging the DFO/University of Guelph partnership to open a state-of-the-art dairy barn and research facility to keep the Ontario dairy industry competitive, productive and sustainable.
Peter Gould is one of the principal architects of the current Canadian milk marketing system. He always understood the robustness and flexibility of a supply managed system and its ongoing contributions to the economies of Ontario and Canada. He is an important addition to the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame.